Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009


Smalem aku nemenin adek sepupuku ke sun, soalnya dia dari sidimpuan, jadinya dia mau jalan jalan, dan aku ditugasin sama mamaku ngajak dia jalan jalan, dan adekku mau ikutan, stres aku ngawani 2 anak kecik yang kelas 4. udah gitu orang itu dua branteeeem aja.
Tapi itu gak penting, yang mau kuceritain disin, kemahiranku bermain STACKER-TIMEZONE



Disini diuji keahlianmu menyusun balok-balok yang ada di monitor. Hasilnya sempurna jika tersusun dengan rapih tanpa celah. Ada dua level hadiah yaitu Minor Prize dan Major Prize. Minor Prize berhadiah sedikit tiket, dan jika kamu bisa terus ngelanjutin menyusun sampai ke puncak, bonus 500 tiket atau Major Prize bisa kamu dapetin.(copyan dari http://www.timezone.co.id)

Itu dulu, kalau hadiah nya tiket, kalok sekarang, hadiah nya souvenir souvenir gitu, kalok yang minor, kebetulan waktu aku lagi main hadiahnya, 4 pulpen satu bungkusan, ada jugak yang stiker. Kalok yang major, waktu aku main, ada boneka, ada setrika, ada dompet, ada kotak pensil.

Kan si jaki sama nadira mintak ke timzone, yaudah la aku anter ke timezone, gak mungkin kan aku duduk tediam melongok ngeliatin orang itu, ya jadi aku beli kartu juga, tujuan pertama ku langsung ke STACKER. Aku males nyobak yang major, aku nyobak yang minor aja terus, aku mainnya gempil kali, sampe mas mas penjaga timezone nya aja ngangak nengok aku main. Trus aku bosan punya pulpen kebanyaan, 6x4=24 pulpen dari minor prize stacker, ya buat apa coba, aku nyoba yang major, gabisa bisa, selalu kalah dia yang paling atas, dan akhirnya aku dapet major prize, yeaah.aku sama nadira loncat loncat kayak orang gila. but damn, bonekanya nyangkut, trakir aku manggil mas mas timezone nya, dan aku ngambil bonekanya. haha. Habis itu aku nyoba yang major prize, gadapet dapet, habis itu ada orang nghampirin aku dan ngasi tau rahasia tentang stacker, MAKASI YAAA. haha walaupun udah dikasi tau aku gadapet dapet, trakir aku nyoba yang minor. dapet 1 stiker, sisanya 4 pulpen. aku membawa pulang 10 BUNGKUS MINOR PRIZE+1 BUNGKUS MAJOR PRIZE. 10-2bungkus stiker=8bungkus pulpen. 8x4=32 pulpen yeaaah, tapi karna si jaki nadira bang praja sama udak ngeliat aku punya banyak kali, ya diminta deh, jadinya 8-4=4, 4x4=16 huaa tapi gapapalah, buat apa pulpen banyak banyak. jadinya samaku, 2 stiker, 4 yang pulpen. ckck. TUNGGU AKU MAJOR PRIZE, SUATU HARI AKAN AKU GUNDULI HADIAH MAJOR PRIZE NYAA, HAHAHA.

5 pulpen

1 bungkus 4 pulpen

stikernya+bonus 1 pulpen
oke bayyy bayyy(gahul mode on)

Selasa, 29 September 2009


HAII BLOGGERSS  istirahat dulu ya pake bahasa ingrisnya males mikir ckckck

sebenernya aku gak tau mau buat apa tapi aku sadar udah lama gak posting jadinya aku asal buat aja. kasian blog ku gak terurus. huah sekolah lain udah pada sekolah semua al-azhar belum. bosaaaan. tapi sekarang aja bosannya ntar kalau udah sekolah minta libur ckckck. tapi I MISSSS:

ini ya, aku nyesel kmaren banyak kejadian yang bagus untuk di post tapi bodonya gak aku post. hmm purak purak skarang baru posting ajalah yaa

-MALAM TAKBIRAN penganggu orang sholat  
semuanya pergi kerumah nenek. disitu biasanya cuma aku ayah adek kakak mamaku aja yang kesitu tapi ntah knapa kmaren rame. ckck. waktu sholat berjama'ah(aku gak ikut soalnya datengnya telat jadi makan dulu), yang jadi imam kan pertam ayahku, trip keduanya pak edi. waktu pak Edi sholat, nazwa sama fsza(anaknya pak edi teriak teriak ketawak ketawak ngeliat ayahnya jadi imam. kami ketawwaaaak semua. Terus si Faza berdiri di sebelah nya pak edi, sok sok shlat ikut ikuti semua gerakannya pak edi. Trus waktu pak edi baca al-fatiha, dia ikut ikutan, tapi suaranya "awawuwiwahwiwowwiwawawiii" hahahaha anak bandel, payah masih tk, trus tibatiba si nazma dateng, nangis nangis ngeliat ayahnya sholat, terus tibatiba ketawak, hahahha. habis itu pulsa ku habis pergi aku sama kak dila beli pulsa, habis itu pulang

-LEBARAN balas dendam habis gak makan siang sebulan huaa usaha diet ku(gak ada loh), hari kemenangan yeay
pagipagi kami semua mandi terus langsung pergi ke mesjid terdekat, biasanya kami ke lapangan merdeka tapi kali ini enggak soalnya kami kelamaan. habis itu kerumah nenek, makan, nonton, makan, nonton, sholat, makan, nonto, makan, sholat, makan. bagian man yang paling banyak? makan? ya benar. selama puasa aku turun 3 kilo tapi kayaknya itu semua gak akan bertahan lama, karna aku bener bener menikmati hari kemenangan ini, huaaa, makan setoples peyek, makan 2 piring, makan kue salju, makan kue lebaran yang lainnya, gak berenti berenti. tapi gapapa, kata mamaku masih tetep cantik wuaahahhah.

-MUDIK ke sidimpuan
di hari kedua lebaran, Pagipagi habis subuh aku dibanguni mamaku, langsung mandi, habis itu langsung sarapan, dan langsung caw, huaaa brr dingin, mandi pagipagi. ckck. bukannya langsung pergi, kami ke denai dulu jemput bang praja, bikin lama perjalanan, habis itu langsung pergi, singgah sana sini, di parapat sholat, waktu aku nunggu mamaku di mobil, nuiu nelfon dia bilang mobilku pas dibelakang mobil dia hahaha. habis itu kami pergi lagi, dan sampe jam 11 malam kami baru nyampe, garagara kebanyaan singgah, tujuan utamaku langsung ke kamar faris, adek sepupuku yang paling kyut, hha. habis itu langsung ganti baju, tidur.
hari kedua, kami pergi ziarah ke makam opung lakilaki, ke makam tobang, habis itu langsung pergi ke rumah saudara. disitu numpang makan kue lebaran habis itu pulang.
hari ketiga kami sarapan, habis itu mandi, langsung caw pulang, singgah di parapat buat nginep semalam, besok paginya si faris, nadira sama jaki berenang, habis itu pulang ke medan
nyampelah di medan siang harinya YEEEAAAH

dan ketika aku ngukur berat badan,  BERAT BADANKU KEMBALI SEPERTI SEMUALA

cukup sampai disini

Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

25-27 05 09

Well this is my speech competition day. suddenly i remember this. i get the 2nd place(yippie), but something i hate from this, al-azhar put my photograph in the parking place -_____- i hate it soooooooo much at the first day they put it there, a lot of people ask me who's there? and luckily they wrote my class incorectly.
It was "Festival siswa pendidikan khusus dan pendidikan layanan khusus" celebrated, it celebrates every year, the "pendidikan khusus" student is for acceleration class students(it's me) and the "pendidikan layanan khusus" student is for the "SLB student", when i heard we have to stay there for 3 days, i'm afraid, because i imagine how was SLB student, but, that's all wrong, they kinda friendly. Nice to be there, friendly student. And some of them are cute X)X). There just speech competition, cerdas cermat, and modelling competition for acceleration class this year. But for Junior High school, there just speech competition, i'm not alone, my friens, Sarah Sabina also join it. I got new friends from the competition, from Santo Thomas school, and harapan 2 school. I miss them soooo much. The speech topics option was, Global Warming, Public Election, and, Education for student. Sarah and me choose Global warming. Because we thought that was the easiest topics to find.
But i don't care, because i'm proud to get the 2nd place. HAHAHA.
oke bye

Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

31 07 09

First day school after sick, yey :):):) actually my father didn't let me school, but i really want to go to school, finally, my father let me go(yeaayy)

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

hahahihi planet

fool planet hahahihi

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

my promise to yall

these are the photos, i swear that these are true from Warner bros office in England

said "bye" to 50 peoples that we passed along the road

i met our governor today, "Samsul Arifin", in "peresmian gedung baru" celebrated, ar-rahman school, it was not in Medan. When the governor came, we all( i and my classmates) run away to the field, and left the bored speech from a lot of peoples.

When we went back to school, we all in a bus, and one of my friend said "dadaa" to a junior high school student that we passed, after that we all said "dadaaa" to all peoples that we passed, we laughed together, and our teacher and the bus driver join laugh together with us. haha XD. And for me, the funniest "dadaa" that we've said, was to the motorcycle driver, we thought, they were a man, and a woman, and when we almost behind them, we said "titituit titituit to disturb them, and, the fact was, that they both are girls. i didn't say that, but i LAUGH OUT LOUD when we knew that they both are girls. HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHHA. and we said dadaa to motorcycle drivers, JHS students, SHS students, every body we passed in the left side, and i know, everybody at the time thought that we were "crazy". or, "SLB" students, hahha, i just can laugh. I'm not brave enough to do that. hahaha.

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

i ever got IT

when i was at the 6th grade, Abi, my friend brought bobo special edition harry potter, the first series, there was daniel, ruppert and Emma's address, actually it was not theirs, but, it was warner bros's. we wrote letter to them, we wait until 3 months, then, i got letter from the office. then i SCREAM OUT LOUD until my brother came to my room. But, it was just a big photo of daniel. we got four, so, i gave it to Diba, Azura, and Abi, because we wrote the letter together. Until now, i still save the envelope and the photo.

a few months again, i got a letter again, and now, it was emma watson's. but, we just got one photo and a letter, i got the photo and abi got the letter, it was not fair for diba and azura, but, how?

and, in 15th July, there will be "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" premiere. i've read the book, it was amazing, i can't br bear anymore. but, i don't really like it because there was no "Voldemort". heemmm. But i'm sure it will be cool.

but sorry i can't show the photo now, i lost my USB. haha. maybe next time, i promise.

my perfume

well, i bought it in Jakarta, in my last holiday to jakarta. there's two perfume, one for my sister, and one for me.

My mom give it to me and to my sister, so, my mom put it in her room. so we can use it together, i don't know where she bought it, haha:)
i still have some, but i think i won't show it to yall. hahaX)

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009


i love j'co, at the first time, i don't really like it, but, i started to love it when my friends ask me to stay there and use the wi-fi. impossible if i wouldn't buy anything right? then i bought 6. HAHAXD

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009


well this is the beginning of my new blog. i don't know what i want to write, but, enjoy mine :)