Kamis, 17 November 2011

meeting new friends from Trenggano, Malaysia;)

Days ago, our class, XI-8 Science got a special guests from Trenggano, Malaysia. They are Hafiz and Ashraf. 2 days meeting and it means so many to us.
here are they
 they were using the red uniforms:)

 Texts we got from Ashraf:(

Miss them already:(

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

i watched Justin Bieber's concert? dont yo u know that?!!!

old post(it should be) again and again. sorry blogss:*
Well then, justin is so cute. I admit that. But my heart is only for David Archuleta<3 Sentul was just like purple lake that night, April 26th

 seconds to the concert:D
 Arrived at sentul
on our way to sentul:D

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Dreams came true, I met DAVID ACRHULETA July 16th at Pond's teens concert :')

Finally after i waited for years, I met David Archuleta :') He is soooo cute. He is so humble. And I'm deeply in love with him:') July 16th! note that! Miss ya already, dave:'(

perfomances at Chengdu China wiff Buddies

sorry Blogsss. I never really be an up to date blogger >.<
last May, i went to China for a festival. We met so many new friends from abroad in that festival. Miss them already, especially Russians :(

We also went to Hongkong Disneyland;D

tips untuk try out

barusan saya try out di salah satu bimbingan. dan try out nya sukses. sukses bikin kepala saya botak. Saya ga mau kegagalan ini dialami oleh pembaca blog saya. saya punya beberapa tips untuk meghadapi try out
1. Daftar jauh sebelum tanggal try out nya
2. Jangan lupa membahas modul nya, karena kemungkinan besar bahwa beberapa soal modul akan keluar pada saat try out
3. Pastikan alat tulis kalian sudah lengkap
4. Jangan lupa membawa kartu ujian
5. Jangan datang terlambat
6. Dengarkan semua instruksi dari tentor
7. Jangan pernah takut untuk try out. Jangan pernah berfikir "saya belum siap". Semakin cepat kita mulai, semakin baik. Dengan try out, kita akan tau dimana letak kelemahan kita.

Semoga membantu :-)

Rabu, 14 September 2011


Haven't post anything yet since....... so long. so i'm gonna post this useless post just to announce that MY BLOG IS STILL ALIVE. wait for my next post, hope it will be much much much better-____-

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

long night night night

i watched sm*sh yesterday with bela
and she's "sleep over" in my house:DDDD

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

i'm in love with pedrooooooooooooo

i'm so fckn in loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with yeeeeew<3

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

whatta nice telenovela

tibatiba teringat sama amigos, telenovela favoritku, yang pengen kali aku tonton, tapi sayangnya gadak di tv, mau beli dvd lengkapnya pun ntah dimana, dan akhirnya cuma bisa jadi orang buta suara di youtube.

soundtrack's lyrics

si te sientes triste y todo anda mal
deves de ponerte siempre a pensar
que tienes a un amigo en quien puedes tu confiar
tu y yo siempre juntos no nos detendran

tu eres la persona que me alludara
es nuestro destino el que nos apollara


a que tu (clap clap) y yo (clap clap)
.....amigos por siempre,
encontremos un gran final

eres alguien en quien confiar
vamos juntos vamos ya
buscando la felicidad

ven y acercate un poco mas
amigos por siempre hasta el final
luchando por la libertad

tu y yo siempre juntos
sin mirar atras
esa es la manera de alcanzar la libertad

toma ya mi mano
tienes que confiar

deves de ponerte siempre a pensar
que tu y yo, los dos
amigos por siempre lucharemos por un lugar

(chorus part 2)(2nd paragraph)

amigos por siempre
(aunque alguno tiene que escuchar)
amigos por siempre

amigos por siempre
(aunque alguno tiene que escuchar)

tu y yo hasta el final
tu y yo amigos siempre

(chorus x 3)

Senin, 21 Februari 2011


ukicw tiy ai nyxg

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

trip to situs kota cina

tuesday, 15th February 2011

all of the 1st class of 1st public junior high school medan was going to "situs kota cina", marelan.

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

orange day

be a part of an tv-advertisement with Elcis at lapangan merdeka:D

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

Fun Day with some of x8 students:DDD

like you've seen at my late posts before, i dont really like to talk much, it's better for me to post photos-_-

1st destination today

Me, Galuh, and Farah are in a team for Biology. And we choose animals for our work. So do Alfan-Alwi and Ismud-Yuda. And we also invite wulan to be our photographer;) these are our photos at zoo.

2nd Destination
My house

We planned to cook pancake, cookies, and chocolate cake. So there we were, breaking my kitchen, woohooooo.

 cookiesssss ;d
 we're a super duper chef!
 Alwi-Ismud, no idea what to comment-_-


old post, it should be-_-

i watched the final of FFA between Indonesia vs Malaysia live at Gelora Bung Karno. Here are the photos

Whatta woderful red field

my hair closed the "20". it's Bambang Pamungkas's ;D

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

today's good news


Rabu, 19 Januari 2011


  i love this onee <3

 well, this is from my grandma, and i love my grandma, so i love this watch

i love orangeeeee


study tour of smansa at the end of 2010

i dont remember 'bout our tour schedule, but these are our photos

 @ genting highland
 @ spore
 @ seven eleven
 @ AW- KL
 @ super horor hotel-_-